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Liaison Office Establishment

With the impact of globalization, it has become essential for foreign investors to establish a presence in different countries and explore new markets. Turkey offers significant opportunities and an attractive investment environment due to its strategic location and extensive trade volume. In this context, foreign companies prefer to establish a liaison office in Turkey to understand the market, build business connections, and lay a solid foundation for future investments. 


Loba Partners, contributing to the success of international companies in the Turkish market, provides all the professional support and consultancy services needed during the contact office establishment process. You can also refer to our 2024 Liaison Office Establishment Guide for detailed information.

We offer consultancy services to foreign companies at every stage of the process, including:


Companies establish liaison office in accordance with the Foreign Direct Investment Law, 4875. 

Liaison offices, while not engaging in direct commercial activities, can perform various activities. These activities include: representing and hosting, overseeing quality and standards to ensure the adaptation of the parent company's products or services to the Turkish market, researching suppliers in Turkey and establishing connections with them, facilitating information flow between the parent company and the Turkish market, and exploring potential investment opportunities and competitive conditions in Turkey.

Services we provide regarding liaison office include:

  • Determining the Scope of the Liaison Office: Defining the scope of activities for the liaison office and planning applications tailored to the foreign company which is designed considering its sector, management etc.

  • Application to the Ministry: Submitting the application for the establishment of a liaison office to the Ministry.

  • Managing Procedures with Authorities: Handling procedures with relevant authorities if the foreign company is subject to special regulations or is newly established.

  • Preparation of Application Documents: Preparing necessary documents, including translation into the native language and apostille procedures.

  • Tax Office Applications: Making and monitoring applications to the tax office.

  • Social Security Applications: Handling social security applications.

  • Leasing and Banking Transactions: Managing leasing and banking transactions.

  • Consultancy in Audits: Providing consultancy during audits conducted by the authorities.

  • Extension or Closing Procedures: Preparing a company-specific application file for liaison office extension or closure.

  • Follow-Up Procedures: Monitoring the extension and closure processes of the liaison office.

  • Annual Monitoring and Reporting: Tracking annual liabilities and providing reports to foreign companies.Annual Monitoring and Reporting: Tracking annual liabilities and providing reports to foreign companies.


Liaison offices are required to comply with certain legal obligations to continue their activities. One of the main obligations is the submission of the liaison office activity report by May each year. Other requirements include accounting and tax obligations, social security obligations, foreign exchange regulations, payroll obligations, and other related responsibilities, which must be monitored and reported throughout the year.

These obligations are crucial for the operation of liaisonoffices and especially for extensions. The expert team at Loba Partners monitors these obligations throughout the year and provides reports to foreign company representatives in both the native and foreign languages. The services we provide in this regard include:

  • Preparation of Annual Activity Report: Compiling and submitting the liaison office's annual activity report.

  • Notification of Changes: Reporting changes in liaison office address, representative, and parent company name.

  • Bank Transactions and Foreign Exchange Documentation: Reporting bank transactions and foreign exchange acquisition documents (DAB).

  • Tax Notifications: Monitoring tax obligations, mandatory liabilities, and tax advantages.

  • Withholding Tax Obligations: Tracking withholding tax obligations under Article 30 of the Corporate Tax Law and Article 94 of the Income Tax Law.

  • VAT Obligations: Monitoring VAT obligations.

  • Social Security Notifications: Tracking and payment of social security notifications.

  • Stamp Duty Obligations: Monitoring stamp duty obligations.

  • Personal Data Protection: Reporting activities conducted under the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK).

For your consultancy requests regarding liaison office, you can reach Loba Partners at the contact numbers below.

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