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Business Continuity Consulting

Business continuity consulting encompasses planning and management processes that enable companies to maintain their critical operations in the face of unexpected events, crises, or disasters, and to restore normal operational processes as quickly as possible. The services we provide in this context are detailed below:


  1. Conducting business impact analysis (BIA)

  2. Identifying critical business operations.

  3. Business continuity risk management (BCRA) studies and determination of business continuity strategies

  4. Preparation of business continuity plans (BCP)

  5. Execution of plan testing processes

  6. Establishing communication and reporting structures.

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Business continuity management begins with business impact analyses, which serve as the foundation for subsequent efforts. A Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is the systematic evaluation of an organization's business processes and the potential impacts of their disruption. BIA identifies which processes are critical to the organization, the financial and operational consequences of a disruption, and the timeframe within which these impacts will occur.


BIA helps determine which business processes are most critical to the organization. This understanding allows for the identification of processes whose disruption would have the greatest impact on the business. During the analysis, values such as Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD), Recovery Time Objective (RTO), and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) are established, ensuring the identification of critical operations.

Business Continuity Risk Analysis (BCRA)

Business Continuity Risk Assessment (BCRA) is a systematic process that examines the potential risks a company may face and their possible impacts regarding business continuity management. This process involves identifying the risks to which the organization is exposed, assessing the likelihood and impact of these risks, and developing appropriate strategies to manage them.


Throughout the process, potential risks are analyzed for each critical business operation / resource by integrating with the company's enterprise risk management practices. Based on the risk assessment results, risk responses are developed, and if the risks/resources exceed the organization's risk appetite, the process moves to the Business Continuity Planning (BCP) stage.

Business Continuity Plans (BCP)

In the Business Continuity Planning (BCP) process, comprehensive plans are developed to ensure the continuity of critical business functions in the face of disruptive events. Business continuity plans enhance the organization's operational resilience, provide a roadmap for crisis management, and minimize the damage from potential disruptions.


Business continuity plans tailored to the company address various potential events, including natural disasters, technological failures, cyberattacks, fires, security issues, strikes, human errors, and other unforeseen incidents.

For your consultancy and audit requests, you can contact us via the communication channels below.

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