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HİTİTLİ ile vergi usul kanunu, kurumlar vergisi, katma değer vergisi, özel tüketim vergisi, veraset ve intikal vergisi, stopaj vergisi, damga vergisi, örtülü kazanç ve transfer fiyatlandırması konularında profesyonel vergi danışmanlığı hizmetleri.


Corporate Tax Consulting

Sürekli Vergi Danışmanligi

Our corporate tax consultancy services include ongoing and project-based tax consultancy, international tax planning, and taxation services for manufacturing businesses. In addition to that, we continue to support potantial businesses with startup tax consultancy .

Our corporate tax consultancy services are divided into two basic categories: ongoingtax consultancy provided throughout the year and special tax consultancy provided on specific matters.


It is a long-term tax consultancy service provided throughout the fiscal year. Companies on the path to growth, brands aiming to open up to international markets and initiatives operating in more than one sector benefit from our continuous tax consultancy service throughout the year.

Ongoing tax consultancy includes the following topics ;

  • Taxes collected on income; corporate tax and income tax,

  • Taxes collected on goods and services; value added tax, special consumption tax, BSMW, SCT, KKDF, stamp tax, customs tax,

  • Taxes on wealth,

  • Social security practices,

  • E-commerce practices,

  • Transfer pricing, hidden profit distribution, valuation processes, and other tax processes and tax practices.



It is a tax legislation and tax practice consultancy service provided on a specific subject. The scope of the service, as well as the solution, is determined specifically for your company in line with your needs.

  • Project tax consultancy

  • R&D and incentive consultancy in Turkey

  • Initial public offering (IPO) consultancy in Turkey

  • Merger and acquisition (MA) consultancy in Turkey

  • Tax planning and tax burden analysis

  • Tax-based supply chain management (TBSCM)

  • Period-end inventory processes and accounting closure procedures

  • Establishment of accounting department

  • Liquidation and restructuring

Özel Vergi Dan


It is a tax consultancy service provided to newly established companies with growth potential that offer an innovative product, process or service. The main goal of the startup tax consultancy service is to determine the status of your enterprises in terms of financial and tax legislation and  is to draw a long-term financial roadmap for your business. Our service consists of three basic stages;


In the first stage, the most suitable taxation model for you is determined by evaluating your company's sector, your goals and your business model. At this stage, domestic and international branch opportunities, tax deductions, exemptions and incentives provided to your company are taken into consideration.


In the second stage, the legal obligations you are financially subject to are determined and a tax infrastructure compatible with legal obligations is created.


In the final stage, long-term tax planning is carried out within the framework of the selected taxation model and determined legal obligations, and regular reporting and follow-up are provided throughout the fiscal year.


It is a corporate consultancy service provided to companies operating in multiple countries or seeking to invest abroad.

  • Establishing company, branch or liaison office worldwide

  • Transfer pricing, tax analysis of instruments and goods movements

  • International strategic tax planning, tax-based supply chain management (TESCM), tax burden analysis

  • International financial/tax legislation and double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAA)

  • Services related to foreign wage income, capital gains from share sales, dividend distribution, and international personnel planning


This is a corporate tax consultancy service that includes the examination and financial interpretation of all production and supply chain processes from raw material procurement to the final product reaching the end consumer. We collaborate with expert engineers who are well-versed in financial regulations to offer the following services:

  • Analysis of raw material and material costs, labor costs, production expenses, and other externally provided benefits and services,

  • Detection of force majeure, depreciated goods, and damaged goods,

  • Calculation of the cost of manufactured products, determination of appropriate inventory valuation methods for your business, and other cost accounting practices

  • Physical inventory counts

  • Sectoral analysis of capacity reports and efficiency reviews

  • Period-end closing procedures.

For consultancy and audit requests, you can reach us through the following contact channels.

Startup Verg
Ulusarası Vergi P
Üretim İşletme Vergi



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