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Vergi ziyai cezası, usulsüzlük cezası ve özel usulsüzlük cezası'nda tüm vergi inceleme, vergi uzlaşma ve vergi davası süreci boyunca sağlanan profesyonel danışmanlık hizmetleri.


Tax Dispute Consulting

Can I request additional time before the assessment is started? Is it possible to get request pre-assessment settlement before the assessment? Can I seek post-assessment settlement after getting tax loss penalty, first degree irregularity, second degree irregularity and special irregularity penalties? What are my legal rights as a taxpayer within the scope of the regulation of tax inspection? Was the notification, the tax examination report, and the tax technique report properly executed by the authorities in accordance with the procedure? Under what conditions can I benefit from tax relief on fines? How can I resolve disputes and conflicts with the government after the tax inspection?

Professional support in resolving tax disputes.

The services we provide regarding tax disputes, tax inspections and tax penalties are offered in three basic categories.


Tax audit consultancy is a professional consultancy service covering the entire process from the verbal or written notification to you that your books and documents will be examined by the authorities, to the preparation of a tax technical report, tax audit report or tax crime report as a result of the examination.

Services provided during the "tax audit" process;

  • Preparation of a status report before the tax inspection and carrying out preparatory work for the audit.

  • Correction of calculated late interest, total assessments, and risk amounts related to the taxes under review, and requesting correction of tax calculations.

  • Providing necessary explanations to the authorities within the explanation invitation procedure.

  • Making requests for providing explanations, and submitting objections to the report evaluation commission.

  • Preparation of applications for private letter rulling.

  • Researching administrative precedents related to the audit subject and providing opinions and recommendations.

  • Participating in discussions with the taxpayer during the meeting with the authorities

  • Conducting necessary evaluations for settlement and alternative solutions after the audit.

Vergi Uzlaşma Danışmanlığı


It is the settlement process with the commission established by the tax authority regarding the amount of tax loss penalty, first degree irregularity, second degree irregularity and special irregularity penalties determined as a result of the inspection.

Services provided during the settlement process;

  • Evaluation of pre-assessment and post-assessment reconciliation options and calculation of discounts.

  • Preparation of petitions to be submitted to the settlement commission.

  • Providing preliminary opinions on the determination of settlement limits.

  • Participating in settlement negotiations with the taxpayer.

  • Monitoring the procedures to be carried out by the authority in the event of a settlement.

Alternatif İdari Çözümler


If a settlement is not reached regarding the tax penalties determined as a result of the tax audit, taxpayers may resort to alternative solutions such as litigation. The services provided during this process include:

  • Submitting applications to the authorities for tax penalties reductions which is a regulation to be requested after the settlement,

  • Submitting applications for calculation and taxation errors during the inspection,

  • Applying through a complaint and

  • For all other alternative solutions, you can contact Loba Partners' tax dispute professionals.

Why Loba Partners?

Our team consists of audit professionals with years of experience in public sector, private sector, and international organizations in Turkey, and tax experts proficient in tax legislation. Additionally, our consultancy services are not a side activity but one of our core areas of expertise.

For your consultancy and audit requests, you can contact us through the communication channels listed below.



Detailed information about us,
our team that defines who we are, and our ethical values.


Achieve lasting advantages with our internal audit, risk management and internal control services.

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